Read and download your free copy of People + Property, which includes all writers’ projects and much, much more!

Space: Manon Voice
Manon’s poems include the spiritual and architectural impact of what housing and space has looked like in a long view in the 20th and 21st century through the eyes of Americans who have been disadvantaged from development and explore the ethereal concept of space and its importance in our human evolution.

History: Jordan Ryan
Jordan’s piece incorporates the architectural history of the house with the neighborhood history of the city block and relates this history to broader themes of landscape, city planning, and gentrification.

History: Sara Baldwin Schatz
Sara’s documentary piece focuses on a selection of individual voices of the HLP community. She shares their unique experiences living in this area—where they are from and what brought them here, how the neighborhood has changed and how they’ve changed along with it.

Equity: Danicia Monét
Danicia’s work outlines a map, guidelines and how to instructable for increasing equity in developing urban neighborhoods.

Movement: Tatjana Rebelle
Tatjana’s written piece focuses on the struggles brought about from gentrification, as well as bringing to light the plight of those left stagnant because of poverty.

Wellness: Twinkle VanWinkle
Twinkle’s perspective on food access, equity and how it relates to housing in the here and now has evolved over the last few years. This conceptual piece of creating a recipe transforms as the idea moves from abundance to stark, empty cupboards and is a peek into the reality of food deserts in our community.

Change: Sharla Steiman
Sharla’s poem captures the community’s need for change, as well as the thoughts and emotions the space itself has in relationship to change.